Sunday, 20 July 2008

The Sun 19-7-08 - AR1000 and Proms

First time imaging with the PST mounted on the EQ6 so that I can track the sun and keep objects centred in the video frames. Tracks very well on solar rate and the PST is a lot steadier in the wind than on the Alt/Az mount. Imaged at 60fps producing 2000 frames which gave file sizes of 587mb. The atmosphere was really turbulent and it took multiple videos to get one that stacked with a sharp final image in Registax 4. Prom on north west limb was the best. AR1000 is still visible and has clear spots and pores now. I could easily resolve the structure of the active region around the spots. I think the resolution of the PST holds the image quality back a little, but overall I am really pleased with the first results.

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